Today is our premiere for our University Dance Company. The dress rehearsal has just been completed. It was interesting to rehearse both choreographies in the theatre, with various lights. The company pieces now feel like they are ready for performing in front of a live audience.
However, we did notice some spacing issues. For example; in 'Waiting For' a choreography by Kirsty Russell, we realised the studio space in which the work was created was a lot smaller than the theatre. Therefore, we was able to fill out the stage more instead of being close together. in 'Just a we plait our lives together' the stage was not as spacious. we noticed a lot more collisions between the dancers in the technical rehearsal. This gave us as the dancers the opportunity to make adjustments to prevent these collisions.
With the performance drawing closer, as the dancers, we knew we had to become physically and mentally prepared for the performance in front of the live audience. Therefore, we decided to warm up in the theatre space. The warm up took about 15 minutes. The warm up consisted of running, crawling in plank position, side step, cartwheels into second plie and tuck jumps to raise our heart rate. All of these were travelled across the space to help the heartrate raise enough to make our body feel warm. Stretches included; lunges parrallel and in turn out, plank for approximately 3 minutes, push ups, shoulder rolls and many more. As performers we now feel prepared and ready to perform our premiere of the university dance company to our live audience.
Therefore, we are taking part in our own personal stretches that we feel our necessary in the dressing room as we are waiting for the audience to arrive. Will let you know how the premiere goes.
thank you