Here you can find my curriculum vitae. It holds any important information you would like to find about me as a choreographer or teacher of dance.
Curriculum Vitae
Name: Lauren Willis
Age: 21
Birthday: 28/04/1994
Address: 258 Archer Road
Contact number: 07535684146
Email address:
Personal Summary
An undergraduate dancer, with multiple dance genre training; ranges from classical ballet to post-modern contemporary. I am able to work as a team member in company roles. With multiple teaching experiences such as; volunteer teaching assistant for beginners Ballet (2-4 years) 2010-2012. I would like to pursue a career as a Teacher or Choreographer. I enjoy to take workshops for students. I have visited my former school 'The John Henry Newman' to perform workshops for the students on the dance courses. The workshops i provide allow the students to have an insight of how the dance courses at University are, therefore they are mentally prepared into what they are applying for. The dance school i attended 'STAG' allowed me to volunteer as a teaching assistant to early year classes called 'Melody Bear'. These classes allowed me to experience and explore how to teach children of a young age who are starting their own dance practice. In 2010 I took part in a Community Sports Leadership Award for Dance. This course allowed me and a group of other members to enter junior schools and teach children of 9 to 10 years of age a choreography. Fortunately i won the Leadership award as I provided good team player and team leader roles to the group. I also received this award for how i presented my teaching skills.
My strength is teaching, I love to teach dancers of all ages, and would like to experience teaching to ages of 25 and upwards. I enjoy to create choreography as I feel ican express my feelings and emotions on personal issues or current issues of society. I also have extremely strong time management skills, I will arrive to places of work, rehearsals or performances at least 15 minutes early for preperation.
Career Prospects
My Career prospects are to eventually become a teacher or choreographer. I am extremely passionate about teaching and creating professional work, where asI would eventually like to open my own dance school or company to create professional work and tour them around the country.
Dates of education Place of education Course Qualification Grade
September 2005 to The John Henry Newman Drama GCSE A
July 2010 School Child Development GCSE A
Dance GCSE B
Religious Education GCSE B
English (Lit) GCSE B
Science (core) GCSE B
Maths GCSE C
Science (additional) GCSE C
English (lang) GCSE C
Geography GCSE D
German GCSE D
September 2010 – The John Henry Newman Dance BTEC D*D*
July 2012 School Theatre Studies A/level C
September 2012- Present The University of Bedfordshire Dance and Professional (Ba) Hons To be confirmed
July 2010, I received the CSLA (Community Sports Leadership Award) in dance, for the strongest team member and leader.
In between September 2010 to July 2012, I volunteered as a teaching assistant in the dance school I attended. The year group I assisted was 2 to 4 years old in a class called 'Melody Bear' where the children could begin Ballet, Tap, Modern. The dance school was called 'STAG' dance school.
In between September 2011 and March 2012 at The John Henry School, I was given the role of assistant choreographer for the annual musical which was 'GREASE'.
Between September 2012 to present, I have been able to create various choreographic work, this has allowed me to test my choreographic skills.
In September 2014 I became part of the University Dance Company to perform the work of two choreographers, Sadie Hunt and Kirsty Russell, on tour in various universities, colleges and schools in the UKAs part of the University Dance Company, I applied for a role of Costume, this is to explore how costume can influence and affect a performance and what a company member, who works in costume, can work alongside a choreographer and help create their vision in costume.
I believe that my strengths are; teaching classes repertory work and choreographing work. I believe teaching is my strength as i feel i can help develop a potential professional dancer's practice and help them find their strength whether it be peforming Ballet, Tap, Modern, Hip Hop or contemporary or if they also want to teach. Choreography is another strength of mine because I would like to create work and give them to various dancers to perform and tour my work around the country. I think these are my strengths because teaching repertory work to students in dance, whether created by myself or not, is a passion of mine. This is because I can possibly give potential dancers an interest in various genres of dance.
The weaknesses I think I have in the dance industy are I am not a strong performer and i have weak core and upper strength. However, I am using various techniques to improve this. The reason I personally think I am not a strong performer is because I struggle with embodying a practioners choreography or repertorry work into my own practice. Whilst performing I notice I focus more on trying to articulate the movement I am dancing rather than my performance skills alongside the movement.
My upper body and core strength are a weakness when embodying repertory work which can affect my stamina and fitness levels. However, i am in the process of improvement for my performance and strength. To improve my performance skills I rehearse the repetor in my own time to find how my body adapts to the movement given to me. I am using my strengths as a choreographer to see how I can create the movement in my body to perform it to the best of my ability. I am in process of improving my upper body and core strength by taking part in a personal fitness regime of cardio, to improve stamina and strength building exercises , such as press-ups, crunches, plank, leg raises and handstands to help improve mmy bodily strength for the future.
Out of Dance work
In the months of June 2012 to September 2012 I worked as a part- time secretary and administration for NTM Garages LTD. 25 Orchard Cresent, Stevenage. My job requirement was to take control of the administration of financial planning of bills for parts for a car and book customers into the online system and diary for Services and M.O.T's for their car. This role allowed me to understand administration work for a buisness and to keep track of payments made or due, It also gave me a good time management schedule.
From September 2013 to present I am currently a part- time customer advisor at Argos, Roaring Meg, Stevenage. This job provides you with many roles from cashier supervisor to customer services. Whilst working at Argos, I have become aware that the customer comes first. It is important to make the customer's visit a good one so that they return. This role also incldes training of new recruites and working as a team to make the buisness work.
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